Why Risk Damaging Expensive Coolers With Pressure Washers Or Plain Water Rinsing, When Is Costs So Little To Do It The Right Way... The Easy Foam Way
Easy Foam, Incorporated Is Proud To Present A Revoluntionary Methodology For The Proper Foam Cleaning Of Fin Fan And Compressor Coolers
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Easy Foam  ::  Taking The Heat And High Cost Out Of Fin Fan Cooler Cleaning!
Easy Foam  ::  Taking The Heat And High Cost Out Of Cooler Cleaning!
Here at Easy Foam, we want you to be well informed regarding your air cooled fin fan cooler cleaning.  From time to time, we will be supplying articles that will help improve your knowledge regarding this subject.  We want you to be properly informed so that you can make informed decisions regarding your cooler maintenance, which will allow you to better use your budget wisely.  Budgeting tends to be one of the largest reasons clients put off their cooler cleaning.  So we want to give you as much ammunition when it comes to applying for your funds.  All of our articles are generic to the subjects.  We are not saying if you do not use Easy Foam's equipment, methodology or products, that you cannot clean your coolers, just that by using our process and materials, we feel that you will experience an easier cleaning schedules, safer conditions and less expense overall; while receiving a quality cleaning that will last longer than many other cleaning methods on the market.
We Are Here To Serve You!
There are various ways that are currently used to clean fin fan and compressor radiator coolers, aerial coolers.  Companies and operators have been using them for years.  Cleaning processes are constantly changing and the industry needs to change with them.  We would like to explain to you, why it is important to have clean coolers and how the current methods stack up to the newest foaming process that is available with Easy Foam.
The efficiency of aerial coolers, depends on the amount of airflow through the cooler bank per unit area and the thermal radiation index of the metal fins.  Airborne dust, fuzz, mineral deposits, insects etc., can result in external fouling of cooler banks, which will then subsequently reduce airflow and the thermal radiation index of the fins.  External fouling reduces the heat transfer coefficient, significantly degrading the efficiency of aerial coolers.

Foam cleaning of aerial coolers has tremendous advantages over other types of cleaning processes.  These current processes include:

Low Pressure Water Rinsing.
  When water is used to rinse the fins on fin fan coolers, the dirt and debris just moves around within the cooler and forms into “mud-cakes” that harden when they dry, causing even more restriction in the air passages needed for cooling.  Water rinsing often makes the coolers LESS efficient than not cleaning them at all.  Foam cleaning has additives and chelating ingredients that make the dirt and debris “slick”, therefore not allowing them to bind together.  This allows them to move freely through the fins as they are rinsed from the cooler.

High Pressure Water Rinsing.  This method has the same drawbacks as the low pressure water rinsing.  In addition, the use of high pressure water, used with pressure washers or hydro-blasters, can cause severe damage to the delicate fins on the cooler tubes.  Once these fins are bent over, especially on the lower fins, air flow is greatly reduced.  Also, this form of cleaning can also pack the debris deeper within the fin chambers.  Both of these effects, can cause the coolers not to get the airflow required, restricting design performance.

Soda Blasting.  This method uses a sodium bicarbonate media.  It is an effective way to remove scaled on contaminates, such as calcium carbonate, which is produced by applying water to coolers to assist in the cooling process.  However, since it is a mechanical method, it does not clean all of the surfaces, and cannot contact the tops of the tubes and areas where the media cannot reach with enough velocity to remove the contaminates, such as the upper tubes, due to the offset stacking of the tubes within the cooler.  Soda blasting also leaves a very dusty residue which then needs to be removed.  Just starting the fan to blow it out does not remove the residue effectively.  Water rinsing alone does not remove all of the residue either.  If soda blasting is used to remove hard deposits, it should be followed by foam cleaning to thoroughly remove all of the sodium bicarbonate residue.

Ice Blasting.  This method is also very efficient in removing hard scale from heat exchanger tubes.  However, it is not very effective for more than 3 layers of tubes, due to the necessity of contacting the surface to remove the contaminate, much like soda blasting.  Although there is no residue since the “ice” melts away, there is not very much liquid volume generated to carry away the dirt and debris.  Ice blasting is also very expensive, and is often times, cost prohibitive to use.

In today's market, foam cleaning of your expensive fin fan and compressor radiator coolers, aerial coolers, is the preferred methodology.  The complexity of the foam flow, gives foaming its cleaning advantage.  Foam is comprised of water, air and our Classic Easy Foam Agent.  A continuous stream of wet foam is applied onto the cooler bank.  Low pressure differential causes the bubbles, made up of different sizes, to continuously slip around each other.  This property enables foam to completely fill the empty spaces and also migrates effectively into every crack and crevice, eliminating channeling and taking with it the cleaning solution.  The entrained surfactants form pockets, called micelles, which emulsifies, dissolves and traps contaminants within the foam, leaving behind a clean surface.  Coolers that are cleaned on an annual basis, have been proven to operate at a much higher efficiency level.
YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED:  At the conclusion of our Full Service Cleaning, we will ask you to inspect the cooler.  If you are not fully satisfied with our Full Service Cleanings of your fin fan cooler, Easy Foam, Incorporated will reclean the fin fan cooler at no additional cost, on the spot.
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1. Easy Foam Rolls Out Their New "ISCO" Initiative For Self-Cleaning Clients.  Updated Equipment And Trailers For Foam Cleaning Fin Fan Coolers.  CLICK HERE.

2. Easy Foam to be Exhibiting at the 2022 EGCR Exposition in Pittsburgh, PA on May 3rd through May 5th.  For More Information, CLICK HERE.